My Journey...

I chose to title my blog "My journey into loveliness" because I am currently on the journey of a lifetime. I am completely in love with a man named Jesus. He has revolutionized my life, and changed me from the inside out.

Jesus saw me when I was so incredibly, messed up. He said "Live". So I began to change. I began to try to be good enough. It was about that time that Jesus sought me out once again, He took me in and began to make me into His own. (Ezekiel 16:1-14)

Ever since then I have been on this journey of refinement. For quite sometime I have felt that I should start a blog so here goes nothing.

My journey is messy, and at times overwhelming, but I'm in it for the long haul. At the end is loveliness. That is what I long for.

So, join me if you dare on my journey into loveliness...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wisdom Speaks...

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; 
all who follow his precepts have good understanding. 
To him belongs eternal praise."
-Psalm 111:10

I love wisdom. Can I just say that right off the bat? I love wisdom. Seeking out those who have lived life ahead of me, and have insight to the things I am going through. 

I have always had women in my life who speak life and help show me the way through whatever season I'm in. When I was in High School, it was a friend's mom, Mrs. Sample. She is an amazing wife, mother, teacher, mentor, and just all around lovely lady. She inspired me to strive for things I want to do.

When I went to the Honor Academy, there were a number of women who have the most beautiful spirits, and they walked me through that year. Three in particular stick out in my mind, Ms. Kristin DeValario, Ms. Cynthia Garcia, and Ms. Amy Allenbrand (Soon to be Smith!!! :]) 
Kristin taught me what it looks like to be a leader. She walked me through submitting to leadership, and what being in leadership means. I will never forget our times with me sitting in the beloved blue chair and crying while she poured such relevant and Godly wisdom into my life.
My relationship with Cynthia was not at all what I had expected it to be. You see, I wanted to be in any core other than hers. I look back and thank God that He knows what is best for me, and that He doesn't always do what I want done. What God knew was that Cynthia was the exact person that I needed to be my Core Advisor that year. Cynthia helped challenge my convictions, my lifestyle, and the choices I made in my day to day life. I would not be the person I am today without her. 
Amy, is one of the few people in my life who has complete and total permission to dig into every area of my life. This is not something that has been given lightly, but has been earned over time. She has seen me at the lowest points in my life, and in my walk with God. She knows the good, the bad, the ugly, and the lovely about who I am. Holy Spirit talks about my life to Amy on a regular basis. This is both good, and very bad... only because she always knows when I am not being 100% honest. I love that though. I love that I don't have to hide, or be ashamed of hiding anything from her. She constantly spurs me on to loving Jesus more. I am daily grateful for the wisdom she brings into my life. 

Now outside of the Honor Academy, I am in a very new season of life. My current season is requiring more of me spiritually, emotionally, and more of my time than ever before. As always, the Lord has now brought a brand new set of women into my life who speak wisdom. Who encourage me, who love on me, who pray for me, and who listen. There are four in this season who are pivotal, I believe, to who I am going to become in the next year or so. 
First is my incredible mother, Peggy. She daily inspires me to strive for what God has called me to. She sees, and ever more important,  she believes in who and what God has called me to. She extorts, encourages, and loves me through every step. It doesn't matter if I am making a huge mistake, or I'm doing something perfectly, she's there either way.
Janelle, is my house mate, and she is constantly there for me to be a listening ear, a shoulder, and an open heart. She shares her life with me and allows me to share mine with her. Not a day goes by that I don't glean a huge piece of wisdom from this incredible woman. She may not know it, but I think I've learned more by living with her these past 5 months than I have in the past 3 years combined. 
Then there are two women from my church who have come along side of me and said 'I'll walk this journey with you'. Michelle and Diana, are quickly becoming a 'safe zone' in my life. A place where I can go where I know I'll be heard, and even if I'm not making any sense they listen. They seek the Lord on my behalf, and they help me navigate life.  

Wisdom is something that I cannot live without now. I have to glean wisdom from others now to survive.

Do you seek wisdom? Are you seeking out others who can speak into you life? If not, you should. It is truly life changing.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Walking Like a Child

Over the course of the past few weeks I have become increasingly aware of how true the passage in Mark 10:13-31 is. 

The Message reads like this: 
"The people brought children to Jesus, hoping he might touch them. The disciples shooed them off. But Jesus was irate and let them know it: "Don't push these children away. Don't ever get between them and me. These children are at the very center of life in the kingdom. Mark this: Unless you accept God's kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you'll never get in." Then, gathering the children up in his arms, he laid his hands of blessing on them."

Children are very important to Jesus, in fact they are so important that He rebuked anyone that tried to keep them away. To have faith like a child is the only way to truly grasp kingdom principles. 

About a month ago I read 'Heaven is for Real'. The book rocked my view of life. This quick read, takes a look at the 3 year journey the Burbo family takes through life changing illness. Over the time of this illness, the Burbo's 3 year old son, Colton has a vision of heaven. There He meets Jesus, his great-grandpa, and his older sister who died due to a miscarriage. This 3 year old boggles the minds of his parents as he tells them about biblical things that he had never been taught. After reading this book I have been convinced, just like his parents, that Colton Burpo has seen the living God, that he spoke with Jesus, and that little Colton has a much better view of spiritual things than I.

Upon reading this book Janelle, my house mate, was stirred to ask her 4 year old Josiah if he had ever seen Jesus. He responded with "yes". This blows my mind. This precious four year old whom I know and love has seen and talked to Jesus. Just like in the case of Colton Burpo, Mr. Josiah knew things about Jesus that he has never been told before. 

Now how is it that these little kids have seen Jesus, and have a better view of who He is than I? What makes them different from me? Why do they get to see and talk to my Jesus?  I believe that it is the fact that they don't question things. They know what they saw, and they don't try to justify it as dreaming or imaging, the simply saw and they spoke out. 

This morning at church I got a picture in my mind of a person standing in the fog they couldn't see but a few feet in front of them, their hands and feet were bound in chains and they were struggling to break free. Jesus then touched their eyes, and instantly they shrunk down to little children, the fog dissipated, and the chains were now way too big. The person could step out into freedom.

This I believe is a picture of the Church. We as believers in Christ need to become like children. When we become like children, we see Christ in a new light. We see Him in a way that casts off all religiosity... We see what He truly has for us and what He wants for us. 

Strive to become like a little child, because when you do, true freedom is found. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Living a Lifestyle of Awe

This morning during intercessory prayer the subject of the awe of God was laid on my heart. It is a subject that is not commonly spoken of, but I for one think it's of most importance. So I pose this question: What does it look like to be in awe of God?

What is awe of God? To be in awe is like a little boy on Christmas morning, taking in with wide-eyed wonders all that his parents have graciously bought for him. Is this what awe of God looks like?

What is awe of God? Is it like a young woman sitting on the banks of a river in the woods and marveling at the peace and beauty of the place? Is this awe?

What is awe of God? Is it like the man on a battlefield, who when seeing the opposing army is taken back by the size, power, and determinedness of them. He is shaken to his core with fear, yet in awe of them.  Is this what awe of God looks like?

I say it's a bit of all three of these. There are certain qualities in God's character that should evoke these different emotions and they each demand a different response.

God is a good, good papa. He desires to give us above and beyond what we ask, or even want for. He desires to lavish His love on us. To be in awe of God here is to get a glimpse of His love or what He wants to give us and be so amazed that we cannot move from the spot where we first caught that glimpse. To see what He has for you and squeal like a child, and become so excited that you'll begin to laugh and do a little excited dance. This is being in awe of God.

God is the God of peace, and the God of mercy. He desires to take our pain, frustration, and heartache, and change these things into lightheartedness, joy, and peace. God is pursuing and romancing His bride, He is currently preparing her for something big and beautiful. To be in love with the Lord is a beautiful, restful, lovely thing! To be in awe in this area, I feel is to get up and dance with God. To be so in love with Him that the same moment He speaks, we respond instantly with "YES!" and "AMEN!". This is what awe of the Lord looks like.

Just as God is the God of peace, and mercy, He is also the God of justice. He is a jealous God. He is jealous for our hearts, and our love! God is not willing to share our affection with anyone or anything else. He will fight to prove that He is enough in every aspect of our lives. He will take down any job, hobby, television program, relationship, or person that stands between you and Him. He is the mighty warrior God. To be in awe of Him is to see Him as a warrior with fire in His eyes; and while there is a sense of fear, it is surpassed by a sense of  "Wow! He really wants me. The God of the universe longs to know me... intimately, and personally. Holy Moley!" To be in awe is to lay things that are not pleasing to God down before He asks, or before He has to kill it Himself. To be in awe of God is to kill the sinful things in our lives before He has to.

Now I will pose a second question: Are you in awe of God?
It would be so easy to quickly answer "yes" to that, but take a moment. Think. Am I in awe of God? To I recognize His hand in my life? Do my actions and attitudes show others that I am in awe of who God is? I know that, I for one am not the best at displaying this. I am striving to live my life in such a way that others would see God through me. I challenge you to search your heart and see if you are truly in awe of who God is.