Country. Humanity. Economic stability. Political reign.
It's what we wage over. These things consume us. They torment us. They at times own us. But is any of it worth anything of consequence? Is any of it lasting? Eternal?
All of the things mentioned above speak of power at the root. Power over people, finances, or land. So I ask again... What is worth fighting for?
Life. Faith. Trust. Family.
Truth. Love.
That's what I think it all boils down to. When you think if what really matters, and what's worth fighting for. What's worth giving your life for, at the core you end up with truth and love.
These go hand in hand.
Truth. It's absolute. Never shifting, changing, or wavering. And something solid is worth fighting for. It's worth giving everything for.
The truest truth I know is that of love.
I don't mean a devastatingly romantic love like Romeo and Juliet. That's love based in selfishness. I also don't mean a mushy-gushy, ewwey-gooey kind of love. Many times that's rooted in emotions and can be just as fleeting.
When I say that love is the truest truth I know, I am talking about a love that is patient. Kind. Never self-seeking. Not boastful. It is not jealous or proud. It doesn't demand it's own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. It never gives up. Never looses faith. This love is always hopeful. It endures in every circumstance.
(I took this from multiple versions of 1 Cor 13.)
This is how the bible defines love.
I strive to love like this... But I so often fall very very short. I get frustrated, flustered, sassy, and at times down right mean. And each time I fall short it kills me. I am commanded to love God first, but then my neighbor as myself. (Mark 12:30-31) Not only do I struggle with loving my neighbor, if I'm really honest I at times struggle with loving God the way I should.
I want to love. I really do. But so often I find that I'm in my own way. My feelings, opinions, and prejudices get in the way of love.
So... How do I, We, get past ourselves and learn to love? Really love? I think that's where it becomes worth fighting for. Love is worth me laying down my pride, and hearing someone else. Love is worth me shutting my mouth for a minute so I can hear Holy Spirit speak to me and I can use it to minister to the heart of another. Love is worth me forgetting about me for a while.
And forgetting about me... That I am willing to fight for.
Now when I say "worth fighting for" or "worth giving everything for" it sounds pretty extreme, and I recognize that. However, when the absolute truth in your life is founded in love... Extreme works.
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