My Journey...

I chose to title my blog "My journey into loveliness" because I am currently on the journey of a lifetime. I am completely in love with a man named Jesus. He has revolutionized my life, and changed me from the inside out.

Jesus saw me when I was so incredibly, messed up. He said "Live". So I began to change. I began to try to be good enough. It was about that time that Jesus sought me out once again, He took me in and began to make me into His own. (Ezekiel 16:1-14)

Ever since then I have been on this journey of refinement. For quite sometime I have felt that I should start a blog so here goes nothing.

My journey is messy, and at times overwhelming, but I'm in it for the long haul. At the end is loveliness. That is what I long for.

So, join me if you dare on my journey into loveliness...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Come, Take a Walk with Me...

When they heard the sound of God strolling in the garden in the evening breeze, the Man and his Wife hid in the trees of the garden, hid from God.
Genesis 3:8

Have you ever thought about this verse? Adam and Eve heard the sound of God... They knew the sound of His footsteps from afar. The footsteps of God sounded different than any other footsteps. God's footsteps. Have you ever thought about what the steps of God sound like? Are the ordinary like yours or mine, or do they sound like claps of thunder? Do His steps roar like a lion or are the quite like the whisper of the wind through the trees?

When I think of the intimacy Adam and Eve had with God it baffles me. They literally walked with Him, and they talked with Him. They heard God's voice, it was familiar. God took them for walks and told them all the secrets of the universe. He told them, "Come, walk with me. There's something I want to show you." When He called the always followed.

Think about that for a minute. Let it marinate. 

I think of these things and something within me stirs up... I get a hunger for that knowledge of God. I want to know Him like Adam and Eve did. This has been a hunger of mine for as long as I can remember. AS a young girl (6 or 7) I used to pray, "God, I want to talk with you like Adam and Eve did... Jesus, I want to know you like the disciples did..." This desire is not uncommon. It's the way that God designed it to be. The intimacy that man experienced with God in the garden of eden is flawless and perfect. 

Have you ever asked God to take a walk with you? I have. Let me tell you, those walks I take with the Lord are some of my most cherished times. I'll lay down at night and ask the Lord where He wants to go or if He wants to show me or teach me something. It never fails, He'll turn to me and say "Common, what are you waiting for?" The things I've learned on those walks are things that I ponder in my heart and hold dear. I can gain more wisdom in a 5 minute walk with my Jesus than a whole day of studying.

I believe God is starting to move in the body of Christ in ways that He has not since Eden. We as the Bride of Christ are beginning to experience levels of freedom, prophetic words, wisdom, and revelation that we cannot fathom. I've heard it said that God is doing something new. I don't know if i agree with that, and I want to challenge that perspective. God is not doing something new, in fact, God is doing something old... something so old it hasn't been tapped into since creation. I don't have the slightest clue what He has planned on this crazy journey, but I can assure you of this, when He asks if I want to go walking my immediate, unhesitating, answer will be YES! 


  1. Wow Becca......yeah! Thank you. I would like to have a copy of this is that ok

  2. Bun, you are welcome to a copy of it.
